Wednesday 8 August 2018 @ 20:20

Good afternoon my dear fellow Potterheads! I think it has been ages since the last time I updated my blog. Recently I've been really busy with lots of things to settle and even a lot more things for me to think of. And tbh I cant think of a good topic bcs I really want to change the mood of my blog. I dont want to keep on writing sad and emotional stuff 😓 So yes, thanks to my senior who suggested that I write about my view on Harry Potter, Im finally back!

Okay before I start talking about my obsession, I think I should divide this post to several parts. BECAUSE THERE IS JUST SO MANY THINGS FOR ME TO TALK ABOUT 😩 I wanna talk about my House, my fav characters, my fav school subject, and idk guys 😂 Things usually come naturally once I start writing. So lets just wait and see how things will turn out in the end 😂

Okay so first stop..


Yup there it is. I finally said it out loud. Im a Slytherin and so what bitches? I remembered back when I first time did my Pottermore Sorting Quiz, it was during my high school years. But I cant exactly remember what year that is. As expected, I was sorted into Slytherin and tbh idk how to describe my feelings at that time. Bcs deep down Im really happy to be a Slytherin bcs even while reading the books and watching the movies, I am really drawn to the house. I really hate the fact that bcs of those few characters, people always thought that Slytherin are bad and evil people. But during that time, I didnt dare to tell my classmates that Im a Slytherin bcs all of them detest my house the most. And during that time, I was just a new kid tryna fit in ( fyi, I went to 5 high schools ) so I dont really want them to think badly of me. So I created a new account, and still got the same result, and another new account, and still the same result. Last-last, dah give up sgt, I asked my old friend to answer it for me and finally I got Gryffindor. Thank god not Hufflepuff or what. Sebab nampak sgtlah kan menipu if Im in Hufflepuff. Atleast I can blend in with Gryffindor quite well lah with my outspoken personality 😂

During diploma pun people have become more accepting of my house but tu pun not fully. But now in degree, I just dont give a damn fvk anymore. Im a Slytherin and I am so proud of it. We are the cunning people, one who have great ambition and crave even greater power. Of course if we put it like that, we do sound bad and evil but why dont you dig deeper? Cunning. To be cunning or sly, you have to be smart. So we do have brains okay? Not only those Ravenclaws je but we choose to use our brain for our own benefit. If I ever set my goal on anything, I'll do whatever it takes to achieve it. By whatever, I mean whatever. We're not scared of playing dirty bcs in the end, only the result will matter. But we're not like those reckless Gryffindor who just love to play hero and get all the attention. Nuh-uh. You'll never see us be like that. We stayed in the shadow, moving forward by taking care of our own self the most. As long as those Gryffindor wanna play hero, let them be. We'll just enjoy the result of their hardwork. See? Everything works perfectly. They get to brag and we get to sit back and relax. Win-win situation right? 😜

As to why I love Slytherin the most is probably bcs its the most realistic out of all the houses. I mean, for Ravenclaw, there are some people who really treasure knowledge and stuff but based on my life experience, those smart-ass people are so damn selfish. Its really hard to find someone who is smart yet at the same time isnt selfish and love sharing his/her knowledge with others. Kadang tu bila kita tanya dia, jawapan dia, "entah. tak tahu". WTH dude? hah kau bawak jelah ilmu kau tu sampai kubur sana. For Gryffindor people, they are supposed to be the courageous one. The one who will jump head first into sea of adventure and wild excitement. The daredevil. But tbh, I havent come across these kind of people in a veryyyyy longggg timeeee. And actually if I can say this myself, I think I am a daredevil myself. But im a Slytherin. So what? And Gryffindor is supposed to be heroic and selfless. But I think, if for example my faculty is on fire and my classmate is trapped somewhere inside it, I wouldnt even think twice to run inside and save him/her. Grab a helmet, pour water on my clothes, then run inside. We Slytherin pun protect jugak the one we love. But we're just aint reckless. The helmet and pouring water are safety measure. So dont be stupid enough to ignore it lah. And the last one, our dearest Hufllepuff. Pfftt. The kind people. Ada lagi ke manusia-manusia macam ni guys? Kind, selfless, honest, warm, etc. I mean, kindness is okaylah common. But to have all those criteria fit in a single person? You're kidding right? My friends even said that Im kind but I myself know that I am not selfless, not honest, not warm at all.. So yeah. I dont really feel that the other 3 houses are realistic.

So yes. I am a very proud Slytherin. Super proud of my house. Proud of what our house stands for. I've got the Pride of Slytherin in me and nothing could change it. Yes our house is the main 'provider' of dark wizards and Death Eaters, but not all of us are evil okay. ( But I am ). Hm I think I will continue writing the 2nd part on my next post bcs I dont want this post to be too lengthy. Perhaps by tomorrow night. In sha Allah. Until then, adios Mudblood! 🐍
"Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends. Those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends" - The Sorting Hat  💚